Behavior Support
Elementary Behavior Management Specialist
Our Elementary Behavior Management Specialist (BMS) offers strategies and tips to teachers and Parent/Guardians for managing student behavioral concerns that impede the student’s overall school success through Tier I and II of our Multi-Tiered System of Supports process. At Tier I, our BMS provides coaching support to teachers to help them identify and implement appropriate classroom and individual behavior interventions. At a Tier II level, our Behavior Management Specialist also works with individual students to help them build strong decision-making skills, as well as to learn to solve conflicts appropriately and to manage their feelings in safe ways. Students requiring behavioral assistance at a Tier III, intensive level of supports, may be referred to our Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP) team for additional support.
Cool Zone
The C.O.O.L. (Children Overcoming Obstacles and Limits) Zone is a behavioral health program developed by the Matilda Theiss Early Childhood Behavioral Health Program at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC. The program is housed in one of our elementary classrooms and provides behavioral health supports to students and their families. Children who have behavioral health needs are referred to this program through our ESAP Team.