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Bus Safety

Ensuring our students' safety is our top priority. Bus safety is crucial, especially for our youngest learners. Please review the Penn Hills Elementary guide to "Bee Your Best" on the bus:

Be Responsible:

  • Keep Belongings Secure: Encourage your child to keep their belongings close and remember to take all items with you when leaving the bus. If something is lost, please contact Krise Transportation or the school. 

Be Respectful:

  • Use Inside Voices: To minimize distractions for the driver, students should avoid loud conversations and actions that might disrupt others. 
  • Listen to the Driver: Students should follow the bus driver's instructions. The driver's role is to ensure everyone's safety. 
  • Stay in Your "Bubble": Remind your child to keep their hands to themselves and respect others' personal space. 

Be Safe:

  • Ask for Help: If your child or another child needs assistance, encourage them to ask the driver or bus monitor. If it's not an emergency, they should remain seated until the bus has come to a complete stop before getting up to ask for help. 
  • Walk, Don't Run: Students should walk to and from the bus and wait until it comes to a complete stop before approaching or exiting. 
  • Stay Seated: Once on the bus, students should remain seated with their seat belts fastened if available. Moving around while the bus in is motion can be dangerous. 

Be Kind:

  • Use Friendly Words: Encourage your child to speak kindly to their fellow students - on and off the bus. 
  • Greet the Bus Driver: A friendly hello helps to build positive relationships.

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