Every day, students are required to arrive at school on time. Except for illness or extreme family emergencies, all students under the age of seventeen are required to attend school. Truancy will be taken seriously and may lead to legal consequences. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for developing protocols for student attendance that will identify habitual truants, explore the causes of truant behavior, and arrange a Truancy Elimination Plan (TEP) meeting with the building Social Worker to address habitual truant behavior.
At Penn Hills Elementary School, students attending onsite are expected to arrive each day no later than 9:05 AM.
Attendance FAQ's
- What happens if I'm late?
- I'm a synchronous student, what are the expectations regarding my attendance?
- As a parent or guardian, how many excuses am I legally allowed to write?
- What is considered a reasonable cause for absence from school?
- We are planning a family educational trip, what is the process?
- My student was legally absent from school, how is make-up work handled?
- What happens if I am non-compliant with the compulsory attendance law?
What happens if I'm late?
I'm a synchronous student, what are the expectations regarding my attendance?
As a parent or guardian, how many excuses am I legally allowed to write?
What is considered a reasonable cause for absence from school?
We are planning a family educational trip, what is the process?
My student was legally absent from school, how is make-up work handled?
What happens if I am non-compliant with the compulsory attendance law?
Sue Conte
PHES Attendance Secretary
412-793-7000, Ext. 7113