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Orchestra is for students in grades 3,4 and 5.  Orchestra instruments include: Violin, Viola and Cello.  Registration for the orchestra program starts at the beginning of the school year and runs to Sept 25th.   The orchestra performs in many concerts during the school year for the public and for the students at school.  Families must provide an instrument for their child to participate.  

Returning Orchestra Student information


Orchestra Enrollment Information

New student enrollment for the orchestra program is now open.  All students in grades 3,4 and 5 are eligible for the orchestra program. 

Enrollment will close on Sept 25th

  • the school does not provide instruments - please see music store websites for instrument rental options
  • students are able to test out instruments during the school day to help them choose the right instrument and size for them
  • students must maintain good grades and behavior to continue to participate in the program once enrolled. 

Beginner Instrument Enrollment Meeting

Please join us on Sept 4th at 6:30 pm in the PHES Cafeteria if you are interested in signing your child up to play an instrument this year in the band or orchestra. We will discuss details of the instrument program, materials needed and  how to get and instrument at the meeting.  You will also have an opportunity to enroll your child at the meeting!!

Sept 4th      6:30 pm       PHES Cafeteria

Enrollment Information

Music Store Websites

Instrument Videos

Need more helping choosing an instrument?

Need even more help deciding what to pick?  Check out the website below.

Be Part of the Music


Teacher Contact Information

Mrs. Jodie Burd has been teaching instrumental music in the Penn Hills School District for the last 22 years.  She is a graduate on Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a bachelors of Science in music education.  

Contact Mrs. Burd with any questions or concerns:

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