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Elementary Music

All students in grade K-5 have music class once a cycle.  Students participate in singing, movement, instrument playing and composition.  Students learn to express themselves through experiencing, making, and creating music.  

Students in Grades 3,4 and 5 have the opportunity to participate in the Instrumental and Vocal music ensembles.  Please see the band, orchestra, or chorus page for details on those programs.


Melissa Newell


Ashley Bodnar


Jodie Burd

River City Brass Education Program

The RCB School of Brass, a two-semester extracurricular program designed by River City Brass in partnership with the Penn Hills School District. These classes are for students from Kindergarten through High School.

The Mini-Kids program is available to students in grades K-3.

The Junior Brass Band, program is available to students in grades 4-7.

The Youth Brass Band, Percussion & Woodwinds, program is available to students in grades 8 - 12.

Click here for more information and to register.  

Informational Flyer